Thursday, February 28, 2008

0.1 Again

Some things in life are clear cut and nonnegoatiable. I believe Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified dead and buried, and rose on the third day. That is just the way it is. Oh..and that the Red Sox are the greatest baseball team ever and that the NY Yankees are scum and evil. That is also just the way that it is.

Some other things in life are ambiguous. A third consecutive 0.1 on my PSA test is one of them.

When I had my last radiologist second opinion (given my stage of cancer) I finally pulled the question "What would you do". He said wait until my next psa test and see what it yields.

Some of the possible results had clear cut answers
* A rise above 0.1: Definitely go for radiation therapy.
* Decline back to 0: Wait

He hemmed and hawed though when I asked him about a third consecutive 0.1; but he finally answered that he would go for the radiation therapy..given the high stakes.

That was good for me.

Of course my most recent PSA was a 0.1. But I have not changed my thinking is what the radiologist would do.

My next radiologist appointment is March 12.

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